During this time when the whole world is dealing with climate change, it becomes individuals responsibility to make an effort to bring a change.
Air pollution is one of the major issues in many parts of the world. 91%Of the world’s population live in places where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits.
Mother nature has created everything to sustain a healthy life. According to NASA CLEAN AIR STUDY there are many plants that help purify the air by removing toxic gases.
We just have to take initiative to make use of these plants more and more at our home and work places. Let’s make a new change, gift a plant to a dear one on their birthdays and anniversaries. Inspire others to do the same by sharing your story of gifting a plant in your social media and let us know by tagging us #HFSW #hunger_free_saimaa_world
We are open to collect donations so that we can donate such healthy plants to the underprivileged as well!